8 79 75 83. 8 26 Age 10 73. 4 78. 9 80 83. 9 Age 15 83 Age 20 73. 5 84 79. 0 84. 0 Age 25 78 79. 2 84. 1 Age 30 73. 9 85 79. 5 84. 2 Age 35 74. 3 86 79. 8 84. 3 30 Age 40 74. 4 79. 4 88 80. 1 84. 4 Age 45 74. 8 79. 7 93 84. 6 23 Age 50 94 87 80. 9 84. 9 Age 55 76. 6 96 81. 6 85. 3 22 Age 60 81. 3 100 90 82.
Other Neoplasms 161 4. 88 49. Rheumatoid Arthritis 0. 66 50. Meningitis 0. 18 0. 42 TOTAL DEATHS BY CAUSE PERCENT TOP 50 CAUSES Deaths% 2, 208 33. 49 9, 731 11. 10 1, 748 26. 51 10, 685 12. 19 340 5. 16 3, 452 3. 94 311 4. 72 709 227 3. 44 4, 000 4. 56 174 2. 64 3, 177 3. 62 2. 23 4, 065 132 2. 00 1, 700 1. 94 127 1, 689 1. 71 3, 022 3.
WORLD HEALTH REVIEW MONTENEGRO VS CHILELIFE EXPECTANCY HISTORY MONTENEGRO CHILE World Rank M F All 1960 N/D 54. 7 60. 0 57. 3 72 67 69 1970 59. 3 65. 6 62. 4 77 68 1980 66. 0 72. 7 69. 3 51 52 1990 70. 7 76. 8 73. 7 35 32 34 2000 70. 4 75. 6 73. 0 54 56 50 74. 2 80. 4 77. 3 27 21 25 2010 73. 1 77. 3 48 61 75. 9 82. 1 79. 1 31 29 2019 73. 2 78. 7 66 78. 1 83. 7 33 28 LIFE EXPECTANCY BY AGE At Birth Age 5 73. 3 78.
75 8 32. 19 147 2. Coronary Heart Disease 151. 05 36. 71 177 3. Lung Cancers 33. 82 12. 84 91 4. Inflammatory/Heart 27. 07 4 2. 75 145 5. Breast Cancer 24. 72 11. 81 141 6. Alzheimers & Dementia 17. 71 11. 64 152 7. Suicide 16. 23 8. 04 98 8. Diabetes Mellitus 15. 61 119 10. 96 140 9. Prostate Cancer 15. 53 20. 25 65 10.
Other Injuries 3. 56 159 5. 28 128 24. Ovary Cancer 3. 39 129 3. 79 117 25. Bladder Cancer 3. 00 2. 24 26. Lymphomas 2. 60 160 5. 27 27. Violence 2. 30 123 3. 86 103 28. Uterin Cancer 2. 27 1. 84 116 29. Leukemia 2. 25 3. 63 30. Peptic Ulcer Disease 1. 93 113 0. 80 31. Drug Use 1. 78 0. 65 146 32. Oesophagus Cancer 1. 60 121 33. Fires 1. 50 1. 26 34. Drownings 1. 39 134 35. Rheumatic Heart Disease 1. 32 99 0. 39 164 36.
4 85. 9 17 Age 65 82. 2 108 92 83. 4 86. 5 16 Age 70 81. 1 109 84. 7 87. 4 15 Age 75 85. 1 120 88. 7 24 12 Age 80 86. 2 87. 2 124 106 90. 3 11 Age 85 89. 3 90. 0 151 136 91. 3 92. 2 7 TOP 50 CAUSES OF DEATH AGE-STANDARDIZED DEATH RATE PER 100, 000 POPULATION TOP 50 CAUSES OF DEATH Rate 1. Stroke 184.
Birth Trauma 1. 14 0. 55 149 37. Skin Cancers 1. 12 1. 83 95 38. Alcohol 1. 10 0. 88 39. Low Birth Weight 1. 01 167 2. 69 40. Oral Cancer 0. 94 1. 15 171 41. Multiple Sclerosis 13 0. 11 42. Epilepsy 0. 81 154 43. Endocrine Disorders 0. 77 179 71 44. Congenital Anomalies 0. 70 183 5. 38 45. Poisonings 0. 46 101 0. 31 46. Asthma 0. 32 0. 96 137 47. Encephalitis 0. 20 0. 01 48.
Kidney Disease 13. 42 126 13. 52 125 11. Colon-Rectum Cancers 10. 61 11. 04 60 12. Lung Disease 7. 51 176 12. 87 155 13. Influenza and Pneumonia 7. 41 172 12. 46 148 14. Falls 6. 61 74 2. 95 15. Road Traffic Accidents 6. 53 144 13. 48 16. Liver Disease 6. 05 157 10. 81 122 17. Pancreas Cancer 5. 91 57 5. 80 58 18. Parkinson's Disease 5. 35 40 2. 54 19. Stomach Cancer 4. 97 13. 41 20. Hypertension 4. 64 158 11. 94 118 21. Liver Cancer 4. 63 111 5. 09 97 22. Cervical Cancer 4. 58 131 5. 87 115 23.
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